Longevity. Connection. Inspiration.
Tamilee Webb shares her journey about Kinesiology and her series 'Buns of Steel'!

Dwayne J. Clark on The Dr. Oz Show
I'm Passionate About Many Things...
There is one thing that all of my endeavors share in common; it's people. In my career, artistic pursuits, impact projects, and future plans celebrating the stories of others is a core focus. I'm excited for you to explore this website and become part of my global community.
I Love to Share What I've Learned.
In TV and radio interviews, video segments, books, films, keynotes, blogs, and social media, my goal is to share as much as I can about what I've learned on my personal journey. Leadership and company culture best-in-class-strategies, health and wellness, and social justice are some of my favorite things to talk about. When I share information with others, I learn so much from their comments. Let's go farther on this journey by creating civil conversations around important topics.
Getting out of the poverty trap | Dwayne J. Clark | Goalcast

Getting out of the poverty trap | Dwayne J. Clark | Goalcast

60 Years of Wisdom

Aegis Living's CEO, Dwayne Clark on John Carlson's KVI AM570

My Personal Health Journey Inspired My Latest Book
Like many of us, prioritizing my health happened after I ended up in a hospital bed hooked up to many machines. Lying in that bed, I realized that I was in the business of keeping others healthy but I wasn't taking care of my own health. Over the next five years, I interviewed doctors from all over the world, alternative health experts, scientists, fitness specialists, and tried all kinds of health regimens. This book is packed with the information I wish I knew before I ended up in the hospital.

For me, company culture is not a buzzword - it’s what we strive for and deliver at Áegis. I'm proud of the team that holds culture as critical and helps protect it — like the residents we care for. We're committed to our residents, families, and each other, to uphold the values outlined in our SERVICE affirmations. We're a family and it's an amazing one. Visit us online and you'll agree, I'm positive.
My Life's Greatest Work

It's Not Where You Start, It's Where You End Up...


I grew up in a small town in Washington with my mother, surrounded by wheat fields. She always told me that one day I would do great things and she never let me argue with her.
Today, I'm the Founder and CEO of Áegis Living, which has more than 30 senior living facilities in the Western U.S., employs more than 3,000 staff members, and to date has served more than 60,000 residents.
It's the story in-between growing up and growing Áegis that really fuels my passion for the future and all its possibilities. And it's not a simple story...

The Latest

My Mother, My Son
A true story of love, determination, memories, lost...
This book illustrates the power of love and a cruel twist of fate.

True Production's latest documentary is a dark music infused comedy about keeping it together when you’re falling apart.