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Writing allows me to share knowledge that has helped me succeed in life. I pour into my books in hopes to help others have breakthrough moments. My books are part of my living legacy.

My Latest Release
30 Summers More
A Photo of 30 Summers More Book
BIBA Award
Indie Book Award


30 Summers More

As I continue my journey in life, I am confident that there is still a lot of life to live. So much left to see and experience! My ability to live longer is greater than I ever imagined possible. I’ve led a fantastic life and plan on doubling down in my next thirty summers on this planet!

A Photo of Dr. Andrew Ordon

Emmy-nominated co-host of the Emmy award-winning talkshow The Doctors

Forward By Dr. Andrew Ordon

One day when I was taking my usual 20-minute commute to work, I heard four science-based health stories in a row on the radio. One story was about how a group of people with Parkinson’s disease were found to respond favorably to cycling three times a week. Another story was about the reality that many drugs tested on mice don’t work on people. The third story was about the health benefits of marijuana. The final story talked about why lonely people have more severe cold symptoms than others.
Listening to the radio that day I, ironically, realized that I had never consciously applied those lessons to myself. I didn’t think I needed to. As the CEO of Áegis Living, I had held a lifelong obsession with the pursuit of health, both understanding and obtaining it. 


But as I moved into my middle-age years, the psychic impact of my constant awareness of aging and death made me intensely more curious about living a good life, and, even more, living the most magnificent life possible.

30 Summers More contains the “lessons of longevity” that I have amassed from a front-line view as the CEO of Áegis Living, combined with the latest health and wellness research on living well as we age. Also, the book outlines what I call the “micro-habits” necessary for living our best lives as we move into our senior years.

More From My Library
My Mother My Son


My Mother, My Son

My Mother, My Son illustrates the power of love and a cruel twist of fate. A son who came from a struggling family that had little means was able to fulfill his mother’s lifelong dream to be successful, a “big shot” with all the status and trappings that entailed. Little did they know that her dream would end with a disease that had become an integral part of his livelihood.


As I became a successful executive in the senior living industry, my mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and became a resident of one of my memory care communities. Even though my life’s work dealt with the elderly and memory loss, I still had to come to terms with the diagnosis and the painful realization that my mother would one day forget who I was and the dreams and memories we shared. This story chronicles the life of my feisty and wildly devoted, single mother, her childhood in India, the memories of a struggling young family and the many life lessons that she taught me along the way. All of the profits from this book are being donated to the Potato Soup Foundation and the Alzheimer's Association.

A Photo of My Mother My Son Book
A Big Life
Help Wanted
Saturdays With GG
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